O Come, O Come Emmanuel 2019—Bracket Released

We’ve come full circle, back to the beginning. Advent Caroling Adventure began when I wondered if Pentatonix had created the best version of “O Come, O Come Emmanuel” ever. I created a bracket and then, as a fun (for me) writing exercise, I wrote a “Celebrity Bracket” analysis before I decided which was best in every match up. It wasn’t as fun for YOU, though, and fierce feedback (cough cough—Steve Sherwood—cough cough) led to you getting the chance to vote. So this year, we’re going back to my favorite Christmas song, and giving YOU the chance to decide the best version.

I still get the power of seeding the contest, however. This allows you to yell at me a lot about matchups and my bias and how ridiculous my choices are. It also gives me a chance to prove I can change: Pentatonix has slid down quite a bit.

Before I reveal this year’s bracket and let you vote, I want to give my rationale behind the seeding. This song is all about angst, about yearning, about waiting for things to be made right. So yes, it is beautiful—but it needs an arrangement and an emotional quality that conveys that longing and angst. If it gets too beautiful, or too happy, down the seeding it goes for me. The one exception is for the version that captures that simplicity, betraying its origin as a Gregorian chant (see seed #1). Here we go!

Now is your chance to vote! This first round takes the longest, because you have 16 versions to listen to. So voting will remain open until Sunday, December 8, 7:00 pm PST. (I had more submissions than would fit in the 16 team bracket, so a few didn’t make the list. I only deleted suggestions from people who made more than one submission.)

NEW GAME CHANGER THIS YEAR! I found a new plugin that lets me embed the videos for each song right in the place where you vote for the winner of each matchup! So excited!

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So there you have it! Share this page, get your friends to vote! Have fun listening to a great song in many great versions, and get your votes in by Sunday night at 7 pm!


  1. The Benedictines made me cry. August Burns Red made me stop and listen to the drums. Punch Brothers made me smile. I had a new appreciation for Enya. And Kelly Clarkson does this vocal fry thing that made me stop listening. This was fascinating. I can’t wait to see the next step!

  2. Most surprising to me? How much I liked the Enya version.

    But I am turned off by the overwrought angst of The Civil Wars. Really, that is your favorite this year?

    I predict the nuns, all the way, again.

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